Thursday, October 30, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Drawing and Works in Progress

Since the end of September I've been drawing as much as possible, some figure work, making silver and copper points for clients and painting on a few larger pieces.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Which Color are These Boards?

Is the "local" color the one on the right or the left??  It's the same paint in the bucket!  One of the panels is facing an outside window and the other faces the rest of the room.  I actually thought I'd missed painting a section.

So much for local color!  This type of contrast I think is more evident in subtle colors than in the primaries - but still - we need to really look, observe and compare - not just glance and assume.

One could almost say there's no such thing as a true local color.

Your thoughts??

Paint pretty -

Friday, October 3, 2014

Rain Drenched Iao

Finished! -   Even though 2 painting sessions were done on location, enough tweaking was done in the studio to disqualify it as a plein air piece.  That means only 5% is enough to make it ineligible to be plein air.

It was pouring rain both mornings.  Loved it!